111: Pediatric Dysphagia: Assessment and Management with Kaitlin Brown, SLPD, CCC-SLP
Do you feel confident in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders? Whether you’re just starting out or if you’ve been seeing feeding and swallowing clients for years this course will provide you the necessary tools to effectively complete an evaluation and deliver efficient and appropriate treatment methods. This course will review different tools and methods based on evidence-based research to serve pediatric feeding and swallowing clients.
Topics covered:
Evaluation and teams involved in pediatric feeding/swallowing assessment
The different specialists involved in the referral process
Necessary documentation for appropriate evaluation and treatment
Accounting for Co-morbidities
Treatment and Management of pediatric feeding/swallowing
Tools used: Cups/straws, Bottles, Thickeners, etc.
Food continuum
Collaboration with specialists
Resources mentioned in the episode
insert headshot here
My name is Kaitlin Brown and I am a pediatric speech-language pathologist. I have been practicing for 6 years now. I started in the skilled nursing facilities and quickly gained confidence and knowledge in all-adult based swallowing patients. I was always interested in swallowing disorders throughout undergraduate and graduate school, but it wasn’t until my placement in a SNF as a graduate student that I gained a true appreciation for what all we do. I worked in the SNFs for 3 years, but began a part-time position at a pediatric therapy clinic in 2016. After leaving the SNF, I transitioned into a full-time position at the same private practice pediatric clinic in July 2017. From that point forward, I began receiving an influx of referrals for feeding and swallowing patients and, while I had some background knowledge and a strong foundation in adult swallowing disorders, I was essentially a beginner in the pediatric world. I began attending CEU courses, researching articles, trying different tools and bottles, and everything in between. As I gained more confidence, I found that I was receiving all feeding and swallowing patients, other therapists were coming to me with questions and I had officially found my niche. In February 2020, two of my colleagues, along with the help of an OT graduate level student, we researched, planned, and launched an intensive feeding program at our outpatient clinic. I recently finished my SLPD degree at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions in December of 2020. I am hoping to teach at a university level, teach CEUs, and continue along my journey in educating fellow SLPs about pediatric swallowing disorders and treatment options. My husband and I live in North Georgia and just welcomed our first son in November 2020! We have two pups and enjoy traveling and spending time outdoors!
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