155: Colorado Motor Speech Framework with Allison Hilger, PhD, CCC-SLP
Dr. Allison Hilger talks about how the CO Motor Speech Framework came about and how to use it in clinical practice. She also discusses current clinical issues in motor speech and some thoughts on treatment goals.
Key Takeaways:
The CO Motor Speech Framework can be used to guide your observations during motor speech assessment and to obtain evidence for differential diagnosis
Motor speech disorder diagnosis is important for confirming current diagnoses or providing evidence for investigating other diagnoses. SLPs can diagnose MSDs but not the neurological area indicated; instead, we can say that the speech is characteristic of deficits in certain neural regions. This information is important to include to inform the neurological team.
Lab website: https://wwwhttps://www.colorado.edu/lab/motor-speech
Free download of the CMSF: https://www.colorado.edu/lab/motor-speech/2022/11/17/colorado-motor-speech-framework-cmsf
Lab Twitter account: https://twitter.com/COmotorspeech
Jessica Huber’s lab: https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/motorspeechlab/
other lab mentioned: Bonnie Martin-Harris https://scsc.northwestern.edu/
other lab mentioned: Theresa Hopkins-Rossabi, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S https://education.musc.edu/MUSCApps/FacultyDirectory/Hopkins-Rossabi-Terry
The communicative effectiveness survey (CES): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285914064_The_communicative_effectiveness_survey_Investigating_its_item-level_psychometric_properties
The Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4377222/
Contact Dr. Hilger:
Thanks for these great resources, Allison!
Allison Hilger, PhD, CCC-SLP
Guest Speaker Bio:
Allison Hilger is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder and the director of the CO Motor Speech Lab. Her lab investigates ways to improve assessment and treatment of dysarthria. Recently, her lab team consisting of SLPs Kylie Dunne-Platero and Caitlin Cloud developed the CO Motor Speech Framework (CMSF), an assessment tool for diagnosing dysarthria.
Leigh Ann Porter, MA, CCC-SLP
Host Bio:
Leigh Ann Porter is a medical SLP in San Jose, California. Building on a passion for education and implementing best practice approaches, Leigh Ann created the Speech Uncensored Podcast to connect medical SLPs with meaningful resources, emerging research, and practical tools. Leigh Ann’s goal is to empower and connect SLPs to enhance our profession and accelerate the research to practice pipeline. One of her passions is learning and sharing simple and impactful therapy techniques. In addition to nerding out on medical speech pathology, Leigh Ann loves hiking at national parks, exploring waterways on her stand up paddle board, and enjoying a delicious meal with friends and family.
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