Episode 65: COVID Convo with J.M. Reyes MS, CCC-SLP
I am delighted to have J.M. Reyes as my guest on the COVID Conversations series. In response to the significant impact this public health crisis is having on our work, our lives, our education system, and our healthcare system, I’ve teamed up with my fellow SLPs to share insights into how the pandemic has changed their practice and what they’re doing to adapt. Today’s episode highlights the impact of COVID-19 as experienced by J.M., working in a SNF and a community hospital on the Southside of Chicago.
“Boredom is a meditation of sorts”
Resources mentioned in the episode:
JM’s excellent Functional Stimuli for Cognitive Retraining
JM’s instagram: SLPmemes
COVID resources:
ASHA COVID-19 Updates: “ASHA’s priority is the safety and well-being of ASHA members, volunteers, and staff. We continue to closely monitor evolving information about the coronavirus/COVID-19.”
SLP Service Delivery Considerations in Health Care during COVID-19
ASHA’s Telepractice Resources during COVID-19
JM Reyes is a medical SLP in Chicago. Some people find humor in his Instagram account, @slpmemes, but most have better sensibilities. He works both in a skilled nursing facility and a small community hospital. He is also the creator of Functional Stimuli for Cognitive Retraining, a series of cognitive tasks for adults. However, his true passions are cats and sleeping.
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