Episode 12: Replacing a language of fear for facts when discussing dysphagia management with Will Farnham, MS, CCC-SLP


You likely know Will better by his social media handle @hardtoswallowslp. But he’s got so much more to share than hilariously relevant medical SLP memes. Will’s got a bit of a soapbox moment that he needs to broadcast. Okay, I asked him to broadcast it because I 100% agree with his sentiments and I want to learn more.

So check out the episode as Will breaks down how replace a language of fear with one of facts when discussing dysphagia management with your patients.


Dig deeper with the following articles:

SPIKES—A Six-Step Protocol for Delivering Bad News: Application to the Patient with Cancer. Walter F. Baile, Robert Buckman, Renato Lenzi, Gary Glober, Estela A. Beale, Andrzej P. Kudelka. The Oncologist 2000; 5:302-311; doi:10.1634/theoncologist.5-4-302

Serious Illness Conversations: Paving the Road with Metaphors. David Hui, Donna S. Zhukovsky, Eduardo Bruera. The Oncologist 2018; 23:730-733; first published on January 25, 2018;doi:10.1634/theoncologist.2017-0448

Articles that have had an impact on Will:

Validation of the Yale Swallow Protocol: A Prospective Double-Blinded Videofluoroscopic Study. Suiter, D.M., Sloggy, J. & Leder, S.B. Dysphagia (2014) 29: 199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00455-013-9488-3

  • Pro tip: Google Scholar for full article

Promoting Safe Swallowing When Puree is Swallowed Without Aspiration but Thin Liquid is Aspirated: Nectar is Enough. Leder, S.B., Judson, B.L., Sliwinski, E. et al. Dysphagia (2013) 28: 58. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00455-012-9412-2

Comparing Simultaneous Clinical Swallow Evaluations and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluations of Swallowing: Changing Practice Patterns Steven B. Leder and Heather L. Warner (2018 SIG 13 article)

Want to know more about what goes on inside Will’s brain? Check out his webpage and follow up with his merch page for wearable laughs. If you want to know what to get me for International SLP day - it’s the mug - 100%. Be sure you follow Will on your favorite flavor of social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

Music:  Follow your dreams by Twisterium