Episode 26: More than Pitch: A Holistic Approach to Voice Feminization with Joy Musser, PhD, CCC-SLP
Dr. Joy Musser has spent her SLP career focused on providing high quality voice therapy services. Within the last few years, Joy has been focused on reaching an under-served population in our field - transgender voice therapy. In this episode, Joy discusses the evolution of her private practice from providing all types of voice therapy to focusing solely on transgender voice therapy and now, having a waitlist for these services. Joy outlines the indirect communication techniques that are part of her therapy and recognizes that transgender voice therapy is more than just matching a pitch. Join us to learn more about this unique and under-served population and how our training makes us the perfect fit to provide transgender voice therapy.
Resources Mentioned in the Episode
GREAT TEXT: Voice and Communication Therapy for the Transgender/ Gender Diverse Client: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide, 3rd ed. Edition.
AUTHORS: Richard K. Adler, Sandy Hirsch, & Jack Pickering
Dr. Joy Musser’s tele-practice: https://musservoice.com/
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
Glossary of LGBT Terms for Health Care Teams from the National LGBT Health Education Center
Glossary of terms from the Human Rights Campagin
ASHA Webinar: Transgender Voice & Communication Training
Dr. Musser also mentioned the 3-day comprehensive training course presented by Sandy Hirsch, MS CCC-SLP, Leah Helou, PhD, CCC-SLP and Christie Block, MA, MS, CCC-SLP for SLPs/voice clinicians interested in serving the transgender/gender nonconforming population. The training sessions are offered live, as well as via webinar in order to meet the needs of as many clinicians and trainers as possible globally. The next workshop will be held in April, 2020.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! The Speech Uncensored Podcast is pleased to be working with Sandy Hirsch, Leah Helou, and Christie Block to plan a special episode involving all three voice experts! Will hit the airwaves October 28th, 2019!
I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to Joy Musser for providing the website links for the show notes!
Joy Musser, Ph.D. CCC-SLP is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist by the state of New York and holds her national certificate with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She holds a doctoral degree from the University of Cincinnati and has over 18 years of clinical experience. Musser Therapies, LLC and Musser Voice was formed in 2010 with the goal to provide quality voice therapy. Dr. Musser specializes in voice feminization for the transfemale population. In addition, she teaches voice disorders and related course work online for several universities across the country.
Dr. Joy Musser
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