Episode 53: Celebrate SUP's First Birthday with Special Guest Host, Chase Porter
The tables have turned! We’re flipping the script! My amazing husband, Chase Porter takes the golden microphone and interviews the interviewer as we take a behind-the-scenes retrospective look at the Speech Uncensored Podcast. You’ll find out about how instrumental Chase was in launching the podcast from a thought and a wish to a reality. You’ll also hear from past guests and listeners on their favorite episodes and take-aways.
topics covered:
Purpose of the Speech Uncensored Podcast
Origin of the podcast
Partnering with SpeechTherapyPD.com to offer CEUs for each episode.
How the podcast has affected listeners’ practice
Where the podcast has been and how that shapes its future
What the future holds for the podcast
Resources mentioned in the episode:
Leave me a voice mail and tell me how the podcast has impacted your practice!
Just visit anchor.fm/speech-uncensored and click the "message" button to record and send your message (see picture for visual reference).
Leigh Ann and Chase Porter have been best friends and lifelong partners since 2010. Leigh Ann expands Chase’s horizons, and Chase keeps Leigh Ann grounded. When Leigh Ann got the crazy idea to start a podcast with no idea how to make it happen back in January 2019, Chase provided the technical know-how and resources to grow that seed of an idea into the full-fledged legit podcast that you now know as Speech Uncensored. By day, Leigh Ann is a medical SLP, and Chase leads the data operations team at Evolytics. Both are big nerds professionally, just in different settings. During downtime together, they enjoy watching sci-fi and fantasy TV series, trying to never eat at the same restaurant twice, even if it’s awesome, and visiting as many national parks as possible.
Reppin’ at the SpeechTherapyPD booth for ASHA 2019 in Orlando
DAA Quanties in Chicago, 2019
ASHA 2019 in Orlando, Florida
Supporting Chase at the DAA Quanties in Chicago in 2019
Visiting Coral Castle in Florida in 2019
Indiana Dunes National Park
Indiana Dunes National Park
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