Episode 87 Telepractice: The Fundamentals and Advantages with Leanne Sherred, MS, CCC-SLP

Join Leigh Ann & Leanne as they discuss all things telepractice for the entrepreneur. This episode will outline information necessary to initiate telepractice, including rules and regulations, population considerations, and navigating pitfalls to capitalize on the opportunities telepractice allows. Take a look at how telepractice fits into the current and future view of Speech-Language Pathology.

topics covered:

  • Navigating Telepractice Guidelines:

    • State Licensure

    • HIPAA compliance

    • Insurance considerations

  • Considering populations appropriate for telepractice

  • Documentation considerations

  • Telepractice benefits (i.e. targeting functional goals, working alongside caregivers)

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Expressable's website

Read more about Expressable on their blog!

Telepractice State-by-State in COVID-19: ASHA resource!

Interstate Compact: Available from ASHA

Platform Guide: Resource from EverythingSLP.com

Leanne's Headshot.jpg

Leanne calls Austin, Texas home but studied Speech and Hearing Sciences at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and gained her Master's in Speech-language pathology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She has worked in pediatric outpatient clinics, schools, early intervention, and home health. As many SLPs do, she found working with students, patients, and clients to be her favorite part, but dreaded the paperwork headache of insurance submissions and SO many denials. So with the combined brain power of her husband, Nick - who has experience in the healthcare tech industry - and two other teammates, the vision for Expressable was created. A telepractice company, Expressable envisions a modern and affordable way for anyone who needs speech therapy to access it - with all the superb convenience of therapy at home and without breaking the bank.

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