Add your voice to the Speech Uncensored Podcast


The Speech Uncensored Podcast wants to shine the light on listeners and their achievements. If you have implemented something you learned about on the podcast, share it with me in a voice memo! I just might air your story in an upcoming podast!

If you have an iPhone, it's as simple as opening the Voice Memo app (or ask Siri to do it for you) and then sharing the file via email to speechuncensored @ gmail . com

If you're on an Android phone, you can use Google Recorder to do the same thing. 

I even have scripts you can follow to make it easier.


 Make sure to include:

  • Your name and setting you work in.

  • How the Speech Uncensored Podcast has impacted your practice.

  • What you hope to hear on the podcast in the future. 

Please send in your recording by Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Hope to hear from you soon!